What is this site? Honestly, I wish I could tell you. Who am I? Just a guy who has been around technology for a long time and appreciates the world of Linux and Open Source!
I “think” I put up this blog to just have a place to put down my thoughts, maybe guides here and there for others looking to step into the world of Linux.
Does this mean I hate Windows or MacOS? No, absolutely not. I have been around long enough to appreciate many operating systems. They are complex pieces of software and have only become more so over the decades that I have been using them. Do I agree with what Microsoft is doing with Windows? Hell no, I do not appreciate any company that has turned their user’s data into the product.
So where will this all go? I have no clue. This could be my first and last post on this site all at the same time. No one may ever even read this, other than the LLM training bots. Screw you LLM training bots, by the way.